
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

your joy is my strength

when i am awake ,in the late night .
There is only one name that i call on ,
its yours.
When i can't see
you open my eyes and
show me the good direction.
My teacher you give me
the right teaching of your love .
everything i have ,its you who gave me all.
My caring father ,my gentle brother and my counselor
you are so precious for me that ,i long to know more of you.
Thank you for having revealed me your love .
Your joy is my strength,this weakness
i feel sometimes i lay them at the cross
there where you make me strong.
There where all my burden is lifted up .

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

hear the calling

you call me by my name ,
you set me in your family
on this solid rock under the
shadow of your wings.
i hear the gentle whisper in my heart
,the voice i hear was yours.
telling me this secret of a blessing destiny.
my sins are forgiven.
i can fly like the eagle and follow your instructions of life .
on this path of righteousness,guided by your holy spirit in the wholy truth.
you seek my heart and see that i love you for all you do.

The answer i needed

you made my projects possible
when i made you know of my intention
you opened the closed door in my life to
give me a new destiny .
you alone know what i really need ,
i trust you alone ,it's you who give me everything
in the perfect moment and time .
i can wait upon you because you have never fail me .
in what i need to know about the goal in my life .
where i need to be,this too you put me on the right path.
what i hear made me have faith in you and it comes from your words.
i acclaim you lord ,you are here beside me and each time
i need an answer you explain it to me and set me free.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

hear my voice.

hear my voice oh lord ,
hear my prayer !
lift this burden and let me fly like
the eagle in an open sky.
take my hand and carry me there ,
near the one whom i long for .
my hope is in you ,
you know my heart
all i want is to be like you want me to be
change my heart
transform my mind.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A brand new change.

You gave me a
life full of joy,
you bring me this place of peace
where i found a family.
you walk before me
to show me the direction.
your love break chain that
held me back till now .
Even the bird sing to give you glory.
step by step you give to
the things you planned for me.
It's all about love,peace and joy that's
in my life.

sometimes i feel so afraid

sometimes i feel so down and afraid .
sometimes i feel like i am alone on this road .
this heart of mine is waiting for your touch ,
to make me whole .
this soul of mine long to worship you for this is all i know.
take me to the holy place as i enter there by the blood of jesus.
i just want to seek your face ,
to know your grace .
please lord i am just a human being on this earth ,
i need your hand to hold me ,let me stand on this solid rock.
where i can be in secure.
all i can say is i need you more .

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Another chance


As i woke up today
i asked myself
how to begin this journey!
Then it all appeared clear
to me that ,the best thing i could do
was to worship and adore ,my lord creator of heaven and earth .
This will make the different ,i told myself.
All that i wanted to do since a year,
i am amazed that you helped me to do it in 1 day.
Struggling with time that slipped away from me
This too i know why it happened ,
it was because i wasted my time on things
that wasn't planned on my diary list.
What a challenging thing it is to run after time
that i won't be able to get back again.

part 2

What i did was wrong ,i know
i won't blame myself for this ;for i am only human.
When i come before you
to ask for forgiveness,
i saw a smile on your face ;
even though i misbehave
before you ,i know that your love
has not change for me.
It is still the same as on the first day
i met you.
May be it is me who has change
May be i kept my eyes too much on something
else than you.
My redeemer now i want to make my way back
to you and this time ,i have understand
that the key of success is WHISDOM

Friday, July 17, 2009

New way of living

part one .

I was alone like a stranger,
looking for someone
who would hold my hand
in this cold loveless world.
As i lifted my head up to the sky
looking for an answer,
i saw you coming
for my help
in a gentle whisper ,
you gave me the words of life
that i have been waiting for .
You make me whole
took me by the hand
and made me stand on
the solid rock of your righteousness.

part two.

Here i am ,having
the grace to begin a new life in you.
With a song of praise,for you my saviour.
Let me bring a perfumed sacrifice
before your holy throne ,to show you how much
i glad to have you by my side .
Showing me the direction i
need to go.
My precious lord,
be bless and glorified
from the deepest of my heart,i will love you.

part three.

everyday you make your
change in my life .
Your breathe of life has set me free.
Here i am before your throne ,
to seek for more of you.
you lift up my burden and set me
free, for all of my life i will sing
new songs of praise before you.
My lord i come before you as i am ,
i know that you will always be there
for me .