
Friday, January 14, 2011

You can make it all by joannah rioux..

The day jesus died on the cross
,he said that everything is done and
this is true ,all sphere in our
lifes have been restored at that very moments .
Jesus died to save souls from going to hell.
Je delivered the captives one and healed the
sick having all kind of disease cause the devil .
By the blood of jesus our sin are erased
and we are completely forgiven by GOD .
All we need to do to accept this
free gift is to ask GOD to forgive
what we did that was wrong before his face
,and GOD will forgive us .
Once being restored you can make it all,
and have back the blessing that satan
stole from you when you were into his captivity.

I remember joannah rioux .

I remember the day you chose
me to stand before your throne .
There i found peace,love and joy ,
before you i stand forever more .
delighted in by the sound of your herat beat.
I remember the day you heal my soul ,give me fresh joy
and give me a reason to sing.You
renewed my mind and give me hope again .
You never let me go when i was discourage ,i will sing forever more .
This song of praise you put inside of me .Let the light of your love shine in my heart .
I remember the place where i use to be ,
thinking i was on the right path but
you opened my eyes and made me stand on the solid rock.